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Staff of Buckeye Boys State
The staff of American Legion Buckeye Boys State is composed of over 100 highly motivated and qualified individuals who work with one goal in mind: to make the week at Buckeye Boys State one of the most rewarding, educational, and worthwhile weeks of a young man's life.
The staff of Buckeye Boys State is drawn from the ranks of the Trustees and Commissoners of Buckeye Boys State, the Ohio State Highway Patrol, the Ohio General Assembly, the Agencies of the Ohio Government, the United States Military Services, professional career fields, the American Legion State Headquarters staff, and former Boys State delagates.
Many staff members are former Boys State delegates, who devote eight days during the summer to Buckeye Boys State, taking time from their careers, families, and vacations to do so.
Buckeye Boys State Counselors
A key component of the American Legion Buckeye Boys State staff, vital to the success of the overall Boys State program is the Buckeye Boys State Counselor staff.
All of the members of the Boys State Counselor staff are former Boys State delegates who return to the program to bring their talents and expertise to the incoming class of delegates.
The members of the Boys State Counselor Section live and work with the delegates directly on the Residence Hall floors and supervise their actions 24 hours a day for the duration of the Boys State program.
The Boys State Counselor staff also works in tandem with the members of the Ohio American Legion on the staff to accomplish the teaching and leadership goals of Buckeye Boys State.